Form Connector Extension 2.7 Released

The Form Connector Extension version 2.7 is now available via auto-update and for download from your Account page.

This is a maintenance release incorporating a couple of additions and fixes, including:

  • API: Added support for gravityflowformconnector_new_entry_target_form_id to allow customization of the form which the new entry step will create.
  • API: Added support for gravityflowformconnector_form_submission_target_form_id to allow customization of the form which the form submission step will create.

We recommend that customers upgrade as soon as possible.

The Gravity Flow Form Connector Extension is included with a Gravity Flow Ultimate license and can also be purchased individually. 

What’s New in 2.7?

  • Fixed an issue where a Form Submission step does not complete when the target form has a Stripe subscription feed.
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurs when a field is mapped in the new entry creation step but the value setting is left blank.
  • Fixed a PHP error that can occur when no fields are mapped for the new entry creation step.
  • Fixed a PHP error that can occur when a field has been deleted from a form but the mapping still exists.
  • API: Added support for gravityflowformconnector_new_entry_target_form_id to allow customization of the form which the new entry step will create.
  • API: Added support for gravityflowformconnector_form_submission_target_form_id to allow customization of the form which the form submission step will create.