Gravity Flow is a legally registered trademark. Please be sure you are using our name/branding properly and in accordance with the guidelines listed below.
A good rule of thumb is if the domain name, subdomain or the web site itself looks like it could possibly be the Gravity Flow web site or a web site operating on our behalf, do not do it or stop doing it.
This policy is to protect not only our brand, but existing and future users of Gravity Flow. We frequently see sites misrepresenting our brand and distributing our product with malware embedded within it. Those users then either blame us for the issue or turn to us for help when they downloaded or purchased the plugin from a site not associated with us that has caused user confusion in the process.
This policy is not new and has been in place as long as Gravity Flow has been in existence as a product. It has also been explicitly stated as it relates to affiliate marketing within our affiliate agreement. However, there has been an increase in web sites taking advantage of our brand and we must be more proactive in protecting it.
If you run across a site that uses the “Gravity Flow” trademark within its domain name or subdomain, please contact us and let us know so we can reach out to the owners and notify them of this policy.