The Gravity Flow Form Connector Extension version v1.8 is now available via auto-update and for download from the account page.
This is a maintenance release with new developer features and bug fixes. We recommend that customers upgrade as soon as possible.
What’s New in Form Connector v1.8
- Added new action gravityflowformconnector_post_new_entry to allow customized action after the New Entry step has been processed. Credit: The team at GravityWiz.
- Removed the entry_id from the choices available for field mapping as the Entry ID cannot be overridden. The ID can still be selected for mapping into field values.
- Fixed an issue where values of hidden and administrative fields could be overridden when an Update an Entry step follows a Form Submission step.
- Fixed an issue where New Entry mapping for Assignee Fields do not store the Assignee correctly on the Target Form.