Form Connector v1.4 Released

The Gravity Flow Form Connector Extension version 1.4 is now available via auto-update and for download from the account page.

This is a feature release containing the new “Delete an Entry” step and some bug fixes and we recommend that customers upgrade as soon as possible.

The “Delete an Entry” Step

The Form Connector Extension v1.4 adds a new step type, “Delete an Entry”, which can be used to trash or delete an entry permanently at any point in the workflow and can delete entries on the current site or a different site.

This will be especially useful for compliance with privacy regulations where organisations need to ensure that personal data is stored for no longer than is necessary.

The Delete an Entry step can be scheduled so that it runs at a date in the future specified either in a date field or in the step settings or it can be delayed by any amount of time as required by your data privacy policies.

The following example will delete the current entry permanently 5 weeks after the step is triggered in the workflow.

What’s new in Form Connector v1.4

  • Added the Delete an Entry step.
  • Added the “gravityflowformconnector_{step_type}_use_choice_text” filter allowing the choice text to be returned instead of the choice values.
  • Fixed an issue where a checkbox field (selected) mapped to a text field would return the choice text instead of the choice values.
  • Fixed a PHP deprecation notice on PHP 7.2 with the Form Submission step.