Gravity Flow 1.1 Released

Gravity Flow 1.1 is now available for automatic update and from the account page.


One-click cancel merge tags {workflow_cancel_link} and {workflow_cancel_url} can now be added to all messages. They work just like the one-click approval links and allow assignees to cancel a workflow at any step in the process.

The status list can now be exported from the admin UI. Look out for the export button below the list.

Send SMS messages at any point in the process with Twilio Integration (requires the Gravity Forms Twilio Add-On and a Twilio account).

Import and export workflow steps along with forms.

Gravity Flow 1.1

– Added one-click cancel links so workflows can be cancelled by clicking on a link in an email.
– Added export to the admin UI status list.
– Added support for SMS message steps via Twilio. Requires the Gravity Forms Twilio Add-On and a Twilio account.
– Added support for form import and export. Requires Gravity Forms
– Updated the step type radio buttons to display as buttons with icons.
– Fixed an issue when updating step settings where where entries may not get reassigned correctly to new roles.
– Fixed an issue when duplicating forms where the next step points to another step.
– Fixed the merge tag UI for the Workflow Notification setting on the Notification step.
– Fixed an issue with the status permissions.
– Fixed some untranslatable strings.