Gravity Flow v2.5.9 Released

Gravity Flow version 2.5.9 is now available via auto-update and for download from the account area.

This is a maintenance release which contains some important updates and bug fixes. We recommend that customers upgrade as soon as possible.

Note for GravityView users: please make sure you update to the latest versions of both plugins.

What’s new in Gravity Flow v2.5.9

  • Fixed an issue where PHP fatal error is thrown from workflow detail link integration with Gravity View 2.5. Credit: the GravityView Team.
  • Fixed incorrect feedback when user input step confirmation message content is left empty and the step is completed.
  • Fixed an issue when attempting to modify step settings for a step type that is not active (plugin deactivated, incorrect permissions).
  • Fixed an issue where PHP fatal error is thrown in the filter_gravityview_common_get_entry_check_entry_display() method.
  • Fixed an issue where PHP fatal error is thrown when processing expired entries with steps that no longer exist.
  • Fixed an issue where a multi-select on User Input step settings pages would shrink to a very small width on smaller window resolutions.
  • Fixed a PHP notice which can occur when conditional logic is evaluated and the rule is not based on a form field.
  • Fixed an issue where workflow merge tags would not be available in the merge tag dropdown for notification content fields in certain steps.
  • Fixed an issue where revert notifications would not include the latest workflow note.
  • Updated the Members integration to include the missing Status page Admin Actions capability.
  • Updated the hook used in the WP E-Signature Step to allow all signatures to be collected before continuing workflow.
  • Updated the translations for Catalan and Arabic.