Gravity Flow v2.7.6 Released

Gravity Flow version 2.7.6 is now available via auto-update and for download from the account area.

This is a feature and maintenance release that includes bug fixes and support for opting into upcoming pre-release versions. We recommend that customers upgrade as soon as possible.

What’s New in Gravity Flow 2.7.6

Demonstration of the pre-release setting available under Workflow > Settings

We’ve added a setting to enable updates to pre-releases of Gravity Flow. Under the Workflow > Settings menu you can now choose to opt into pre-release versions of Gravity Flow including betas and release candidates.

Once enabled, your Plugins dashboard page will list the option to update to the newest pre-release version of Gravity Flow. Hint: we’ll be releasing Gravity Flow 2.8-beta-1 very soon so you may be needing that setting!

Note: The pre-release setting should not be enabled on production sites. For v2.7.6 in order to access the pre-release setting you must define your license key via the settings screen (not via a license key constant).

Also in Gravity Flow 2.7.6

  • Fixed an issue with conditional routing not loading when the Workflow Notification setting was active on Gravity Forms 2.5.13 and greater.
  • Fixed an issue with File Upload field not displaying download/remove file icon links on User Input steps when accessed via the dashboard inbox.
  • Fixed an issue with Workflow Status Box not displaying long step names correctly on the Workflow Details page.
  • Fixed an issue with start step type display field settings not evaluating correctly for entry creator status page view.