PDF Generator Extension v1.5 Released

The Gravity Flow PDF Generator Extension version 1.5 is now available via auto-update and for download from the account page.

This is a maintenance release with bug fixes and a deprecated filter. We recommend that customers upgrade as soon as possible.

What’s New in v1.5

Any environment which has code filtering against gravityflowpdf_file_name will continue to operate, but each occurrence will trigger an error log notice via the apply_filters_deprecated function call. We recommend you make one of two potential changes to your code depending on the use case as the filter will be removed in a future version of the plugin.

  1. To change the filename of PDF which users download from the server
    Use the gravityflowpdf_download_file_name filter. It has the exact same function/parameter structure and fully supports the {workflow_pdf_download_link} merge tag.
  2. To create a separate named copy of the PDF file on the server
    Use the gravityflowpdf_generated action hook.